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Virtual Mail

Our virtual mail service, which is adaptable & effective, assists businesses in
improving their business addresses by using our prime locations.

How it Works

Our virtual mailbox is a fantastic method to send and receive mail quickly and easily. We have a mailbox for you if you prefer to manually open your mail and are a more hands-on person. We also have a virtual mailbox available for you if you detest opening your mail and would rather someone else do it. Regardless, you will receive a brand-new business address from our postal service that you can use both online and off.

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Virtual Mail FAQs

Here’s the DL on the specifics of our virtual office membership.

You can only pick up your mail during atverk business hours. We don’t do any mail forwarding, so to get your mail, you’ll simply swing by the space you choose to get an address from and grab your mail during our staffed hours.

It doesn’t. One mailbox membership means one mailing address at one atverk location. If you want an additional mailing address, you’ll simply pay an additional fee to add a second mailbox at a different address.

Our location staff will send notifications for physical packages via our member app. If you want to know if you have envelope mail, feel free to call your respective location and ask them to check your mailbox on your behalf, or simply show up to check your mail when you’re available.

Your mailbox membership only lets you access the space to get mail (we don’t issue access cards for this level of membership, which is why you need to come during staffed hours!). If you ever want to utilize the coworking space at a atverk location, simply purchase a $25 day pass!

Our traditional mailbox membership doesn’t include this. However, some atverk locations do offer mail forwarding at an extra cost, where we are able to scan mail right to your inbox. Interested in learning more? Give us a call!

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